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Hoop Dance with RaLoops

About Hoop Dance


Hula Hooping transcends backgrounds, languages, occupations, and appearances. We communicate without words and gather without invitations. We dance. We play. We are connected.


Hula Hooping merges physics, art, and meditation seamlessly. It is a creative, playful way to achieve mind-body balance through dance, focus and art.

Hoop dance provides a safe space for emotional release and it improves your core physical intelligence: coordination, flexibility, core stability, and resilience.

In hoop dance, you have an universe to explore new boundaries, to safely discover your creativity, and express yourself through your own movements.

You'll have a community, you'll play with postures, music, memory, breath. All of these are ingredients for your happy body and mind!

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Join the Waiting List Hula Hoop Course 🚀

Beginner or Intermediate levels. Course is in person, in Amsterdam.

My experience with Hula Hooping is...


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