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Why Do I Hoop?

When I hoop, I reconnect with myself. Each time I hoop, I feel a sense of challenge, pushing myself to maintain balance, apply the right pressure, and direct my movements accurately.  


I clear my mind, allowing the hula hoop to dance with me. Emptying my mind is the hardest part, but the less I think, the more the dance transforms into a connection – a blend of art, love, movement and science.


Yes, science. One reason I keep hula hooping is its scientific essence that takes me back to my childhood love for physics and logical sense. I get to play with force, speed and direction to manipulate the circle. Hula hooping merges physics, art, and meditation seamlessly.


The joy of finally landing a trick you've been practicing for so long is incredible! It brings an overwhelming surge of dopamine and soul satisfaction. ​Hula hooping teaches me that many things that seem impossible are conquered by effort. 


Effort sustains performance, keeps things in motion, and takes you where you want to go. It never stops, even after you've reached your goal.​


When I hula hoop, there's only love. It's home, it's gentle, even when it hits you in the nose. 

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About Me

My name is Raluca Voinea.

During my day to day, I am a fierce, evangelist, passionate product manager, working for financial institutions. 


Working in large corporates, gives me the possibility to meet people from many different backgrounds, seniorities and industries, and I see the complexities of our current way of living. We work day to day with our mind and our computers, having very little time and energy to be with our bodies. Ultimately, this leads to stress, blockages, and at its worse depressions and burn-outs.


I have discovered hula hoop dancing more than 6 years ago during my solo, over seas adventures. Since then, the hula hoop always travels with me and I have been going the world to learn and deepen the practice of hoop dance from amazing artists, teachers and performers. From Guatemala, to UK, Turkey, Croatia and of course my home, Amsterdam. 


Today, I am a certified hula hoop dance teacher in Amsterdam, after completing the course with the fantastic, Emma Kenna, owner of and SWhoop. I'm excited to share my passion with enthusiastic students.  


Join me to explore the transformative power of hula hoop dance beyond just a recreational activity.

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